Nonoilen material

What is nonoilen?


Nonoilen is a revolutionary Slovak bio-material that is a step forward because it meets the strictest criteria for

the bio-circular economy, which will eventually replace circular economy.

You can read about the difference between circularity and bio-circularity here.

Nonoilen belongs to a new generation of materials, which is produced in accordance with the rules of nature.












Nonoilen is a material without compromises!

🌱 0%. Nonoilen does not contain any synthetic and fossil polymers. Even the additives are based on citrates.

Napriek tomu má vlastnosti podobné syntetickým materiálom a široké možnosti využitia.

🌿 100%. It is made exclusively from renewable and natural resources.

❤️ Biocompatible. Nonoilen does not release any toxic substances into our body or the environment and does not leave

micro/nano plastics.

🔄 Reusable. Nonoilen can withstand temperatures from -40°C to 110°C.

thanks to this, it is possible to produce products repeatedly 
usable and these items can be conveniently washed in the dishwasher,

use in the freezer or microwave.

♻️ Recyclable. Nonoilene can be mechanically recycled.

🌍 100% compostable and biodegradable.

In accordance with the philosophy "Let's give back to nature what we took from it", we close the life cycle of Nonoilen

composting. Its life cycle can thus start again. This process can be repeated continuously.

Nonoilen breaks down in a biologically active environment, so you don't have to worry about the products being produced

began to fall apart in in the household. Decomposition of Nonoilen is possible in a biologically active environment, that is, where it

can be consumed by microorganisms and bacteria: in industrial or home compost.

We are also working on mixtures that 
spread out in pôde a  the water. Nonoilen meets the strictest criteria

of compostability, while mixtures for industrial compost decompose  in about 2 to 6 weeks.

The decomposition time depends on the character of the product and the thickness of the material.

The mixture for home compost has been tested, where at a constant temperature of 28°C and a humidity of 30%, it decomposes within one year. 

 Learn more about home and industrial composting tu.

You can find out more information about the material at: